Sunday, September 4, 2011

VAL takes up Dengue challenge in its periphery

Someone has well said, “Prevention is better than cure”. Whilst most of the districts in Odisha are bracing to face the onslaught of dengue outbreak, Jharsuguda also couldn’t escape itself from its menace. Till date, seven people already died of it and few are still affected in Dengue. District Administrator has also resolved to mitigate the challenge at the earliest. Even few industries in the region couldn’t stop themselves and have come out to fight against this epidemic disease.  
So as, with all possible resources in hand, to the aid of district administration Vedanta has come out chipping in with a timely intervention to create an appropriate awareness campaign and to deliver a clean and safe environment in its surrounding. While going through Indian Express, I found that a week-long awareness campaign driven by Vedanta had been flagged off on July 22 in its R&R Colony.  All of a sudden, I thought it might be a self-advertisement stunt as many industries do, but trust me I was wrong.  Apart from encouraging a clean and healthy environment, I found the motto of this program was to make people aware of the cause, symptoms and prevention of Dengue.  Really they  have tried hard to ground their campaign through basic mass communication exercises such as distribution of pamphlets, erecting hoardings and banners in vernacular languages, direct communication with the masses with the experts, etc. With no surprise, hundreds of community volunteers including women, rural youths, teachers and over 2000 students of various schools together with the company employees joined them to combat the menace of Dengue in their respective localities.
Understanding that a Continuous and effective communication is the key to create appropriate awareness, VAL has also embarked upon initiatives like running a dengue prevention awareness van with Audio-visual presentations in its periphery and town areas. Fogging  in the near by villages and town-shed areas was also included in their campaign. During their week-long campaign in the vicinity, many key contact programs were also conducted in order to make the villagers aware of good health practices and the importance of good health in life.
 Frankly speaking,  if everyone in the society becomes responsible towards the society they are residing in, any epidemic can be checked and uprooted.  As far as I know, the best act in prevention of Dengue is to keep houses and its surroundings clean and hygienic and deny every chance to let the aedes mosquito breed. Few fundamental things need to be taken care such as use mosquito net while sleeping, clean waterlogged areas and pots and most importantly if find any symptoms of Dengue fever, immediately refer to the nearest hospital without doing any delay.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Vedanta Vidyarthi Vikas Yojana re-scripts success in Jharsuguda

 Frankly speaking, that day I was not the only one who gave a standing ovation. It was certainly the day to be celebrated; when the awaken educated mass from Jharsuguda came down to one horizon to smell the real fragrance of quality Education. On 25th June 2011, it seemed the sun came out with an extra spark for Gyanendra Pani, a student of Badmal High School who scored 563 out of 600 with 93.83% in the HSC exam 2011 and topped in Jharsuguda District.
On 26th June 2011, while going through an Oriya daily on my table, I picked a bold heading written there, “Vedanta Vidyarthi Vikas Yojanara Safal Rupayana (In Oriya: Promising transformation of Vedanta Vidyarthi Vikas Yojana”. As the issue was related to Vedanta, I started reading the whole article excitingly but my stimulation mounted to the pick, when I found out the success story of Vedanta Vidyarthi Vikas Yojana(VVVY), an Educational Project driven by Vedanta CSR team which brought a tremendous  success in its periphery which was never happened earlier. Gyanendra Pani, a student of Class 10th who was enrolled in the Badmal VVVY Centre had scored 93.8% in the Orissa HSC Exam and 140 out of 263 students passed in the periphery villages where the project had been operated. 

On 14th July 2011, Vedanta felicitated all the successful students belonging to its peripheral villages who were enrolled under its flagship CSR educational programme ‘Vedanta Vidyarthi Vikas Yojana’ (VVVY) and have passed this year’s matriculation exam with good marks, in a convocation ceremony. Present during the occasion were Mr. Sibnarayana Misra, Collector Jharsuguda, Mr. Pramod Suri, VAL CEO, Mr. Abhijit pati, VAL COO, Mr. Gautam Behera, Chief functionary of AJKA, more than 250 Students, Parents, Teachers, Community Representatives, Members of AJKA team and Senior officials of Vedanta. Luckily, I was there to witness the whole convocation ceremony and enjoy each moment of success.
All the dignitaries, students, Parents, community members and Coaching Staffs applauded the efforts of Vedanta CSR team for its tireless effort in pulling off such a much-awaited success in the Education arena in this locality. Parents were like; they were waiting for the day since so long. Mr. Suri and Mr Mishra jointly awarded and handed over a Laptop to Gyanendra for his special achievement. He has given all his credits to VVVY specialised systematic Class module for this success. All the successful students of the programme were awarded during the occasion.
I felt so much excited about the Project that I just driven through the project success and started collecting each and every possible information regarding the same. Few glimpses of the project herewith;
Vedanta Vidyarthi Vikas Yojana (VVVY) is a visionary CSR project that is being implemented by Vedanta in its ten core peripheral villages, with an objective to improve the quality of the education, moral standards and reduce the dropout rate of the Secondary school students from standard 8th to 10th by providing Supplementary and Remedial Teaching. The project has been running with one of the best education expert NGO partner, AJKA by formulating quality parameter and indicators with specialised systematic Class module. This year (2010-11) 831 students had enrolled in these ten tutorial centres to avail quality education facility in the midst of dedicated expert teachers, special designed study materials and moral life skill education. As a result of these dedicated intervention and robust strategies, this year 140 students passed from 263 students with 17 first class awardees, certainly repeating to the previous year’s statistics, in which, out of total 23 students who had appeared, 18 students had passed the HSC examination. With the augmented popularity in the previous year, VVVY had extended its project to five more locations such as Badmal, Sripura, Debadihi, Parmanpur and Gudigaon in addition to earlier five villages such as Bhurkamunda, Brundamal, Banjari, Katikela and Kureibaga with well defined objectives and strategies in the 2010-11 academic years. During the project, apart from regular morning classes, parents’ teachers meeting, orientation of students, life skill education to students, monthly unit test are being conducted with defined indicators and deliverables.

This project certainly in turn has given a phenomenal satisfaction in the faces of students and Community Masses as the success rate has shown a positive footprints over the quite miserable past track records in the HSC Examination in these areas.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Electronic Traffic Signal system put in place in Jharsuguda town

Jharsuguda is on its way to write its history as a fast developing industrial city in India. Increasing number of migrants in search of their livelihoods, expanding infrastructures, market spaces and increasing vehicular movements in the locality shows an ultra-clear view of the fact.

 In view of this, Road traffic had certainly become a much concerned issue for the Traffic administration in the town. It is well quoted that; Congestion can be reduced by either increasing road capacity (supply), or by reducing traffic (demand). Capacity can be increased in a number of ways, but needs to take account of latent demand otherwise it may be used more strongly than anticipated...

Mr. Pramod Suri VAL CEO, Mr. Sibnarayana Misra Collector JSG, Ms Kavita Jalan, SP JSG and Mr. Abhijit PatiVAL COO during the inaugural ceremony  (from left to right)

        Vedanta has come forward to ease the loads of the Dist Traffic administration and installed the Electronic Traffic Signal (ETS) system at different busy crossings of Jharsuguda town area to address the smooth movement of town traffic.
        I was lucky enough to attend the inaugural function of the ETS system held here at Jharsuguda on 19th May 2011. In the evening, at the BTM-Bypass square, Jharsuguda, Mr. Sibanarayan Misra, Collector and District Magistrate Jharsuguda together with Ms. Kavita Jalan, Superintendent of Police Jharsuguda ceremoniously inaugurated the traffic signal system in presence of Mr. Manoranjan Lodha RTO, Vedanta officials, Senior Govt. and Police Officials and hundreds of people from all class of society.
        Speaking during the Occasion Collector lauded the efforts of Vedanta for the various developmental initiatives undertaken by the company. SP Ms Kavita Jalan also thanked and appreciated Vedanta for Sponsoring the ETS system to the people of Jharsuguda town. Vedanta Aluminium CEO Mr. Pramod Suri reiterated the whole hearted commitment of Vedanta for the sustainable development for the people of Jharsuguda. Including BTM-Bypass square, ETS system will be put in place in four more busy areas of the town such as Beheramal Square, Bus stand, Railway Station Square and Biju Patnaik square,Badmal for which the work is in its last stage of completion.
         Instead of "fighting obesity by letting out the belt" (inducing demand that did not exist before), we need to start thinking about the genuine solution of the adversity. Vedanta’s initiative have largely been appreciated among the masses.  I could see and feel the excitement and enthusiasm in the eyes of the audience who were going to be a part of a modern traffic control system very soon.
        No doubt, it was a grand and historic occasion to be celebrated. Then I was thinking, whether we Jharsuguda people can avail this system for a longer period? Can accident rate be minimised by this effort? Can Dist Administration prolong its effort to sustain this applauding initiative by the company for the welfare of the community? These certain questions can only be answered with the due course of time.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Road Safety: A de-rigueur requisite in the Industrial city...

VAL spearheads three days Road Safety Campaign...

Industrial Revolution has a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the populace. But as we know, every pro has a con. People in industrial sector are always at a risk of being injured in traffic related accidents. Poor roads, increasing vehicular movements, overloaded carriers and inadequate enforcement of the laws are just a few of the causes that increase the risks for these populations.  As a grooming industrial city, Jharsuguda has certainly opened up a way in for many migrants within it. Increasing people in search for their livelihoods, mounting infrastructures and greater than ever vehicular movements in the locality shows a crystal clear fact. It somehow demands us for the road safety obligations, which need to be implemented and practised efficiently.
Basically I was just all set to start writing concerning the importance of Road Safety Campaign in our city, and guess what... It made me surprised when I read that Vedanta had organized a three days road safety campaign in its plant premises especially for the truck drivers, helpers, labourers. While pondering something odd in the newspaper, I found that the three days campaign was organised near the R&R Colony, Plant I main gate and CPP from 13th April 2011 to 15th April 2011. The drive was ceremoniously inaugurated by Mr. Pramod Suri, CEO VAL and was attended by over one thousand Drivers, helpers, labourers, employees and sheer number of visitors. Mr B K Das, Dy. Director Factory & Boiler, Mr Chittaranjan Beura, Asst Director Factory & Boiler graced the occasion as the dignitaries.

Mr. Das highly appreciated the initiative taken by Vedanta. During the occasion, Documentary Films related to “Road safety measures” and “Driving discipline and habits” were screened. The audience enjoyed the Safety educational skits (drama) those were performed by local artists.
On my behalf I must stress upon the role of Drivers and helpers in particular to inculcate safety habits for the well being of their family and dear ones. Any loss due to an accident gets multiplied many times as it directly affects the dependent family back home. Everybody must care for Safety as Life cannot be compensated by any means. All need to practise Road safety norms in and around the work place and wherever we operate.

Mounting road accident cases has already rang an alarm in the society. So, this trend needs to be reversed now. We must try to imbibe a culture of total safety so that certain facts can be improved a bit.

From a source:
The global traffic statistics are staggering:
*      There are 3,200 road deaths every day – 1.2 million deaths per year.
*      An estimated 50 million people are injured or disabled annually in traffic-related crashes.
*      The World Health Organization estimates that road crashes cost US$518 billion per year.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A trip to Katikela...

*** During my last visit to Jharsuguda, I had been to katikela (A small village near Jharsuguda town). I was going to the village after three years. Really, the sleepy village has turned into an active site. The eye catching greenery, well developed road, improved water facility, and the well groomed public certainly can change the viewpoint of any opinion maker.
But for me, the unforgettable part of my trip was getting an opportunity to have “Desi chicken” in a Dhaba. Please don’t get me wrong because I am a chicken foodie. During the lunch, I had an opportunity to have “Desi chicken” after so long (around after 2-3 yrs). Frankly speaking, in the towns you can have poultry chicken but the taste of “Desi” variety is for one to taste it to believe it. It was so delicious that till now I can feel its fragrance in my hand. I had already finished my work. So I had to return but I planned to take some desi chickens for my family. Some villagers suggested me that to do a visit towards Sabita’s chicken farm where I might get that.
In a village like Katikela, looking at Sabita’s Poultry farm, I was just shocked. It’s not that it was as big as 25-30 thousand chicken in it, but the way she had managed that, she must be appreciated. On a casual talk with her, she explained how her life had emerged with a smile from an unrelenting plight which some day seemed to be everlasting. Her husband, Asok Kisan had been a daily wager and Sheela also used to collect the firewood from the adjacent forest and selling them, both had been earning some pennies. That was not enough to manage such a big family consisting of three kids. Then she opted for joining VIJJY programme which helped her to enhance her standard of living. She had gone through skill development trainings, financial support and group assistance as and when required under this project. Now she is a well known poultry farmer in Katikela. She told about some of her friends, Sumedha Pradhan of Katikela, Bilasini Rohidas at Banjari, Saraswati Kisan etc who have succeeded due to this VIJJY programme. Though I was not lucky enough to get my chicken there, but I was delighted to witness the grooming development of a remote village.
Later, I came to know about VIJJY that it is a livelihood programme running by Vedanta in its periphery villages. The programme Vedanta jana Jivika Yojana (VIJJY) intends to promote the livelihood sustainability among the rural women.
After seeing Sabita, I can feel that the project empowers the rural women not only by providing them a good standard of living but also making them independent and a good decision maker.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jharsuguda Hockey Cup 2011- A small step to uphold the National Game...

           Hockey is our National game. We had been the unparalleled emperor of the game. In Olympics we won the gold medal consecutively from 1928 to 1956. We defeated USA in Los Angeles Olympics with a record margin of 24-1. But where has the gory gone?
        We all aware of the fact that Orissa has been producing many world class Hockey players. Many of them have been from Sundargarh district, near to Jharsuguda. Still the craze and the passion that should be there for a national game are yet to be seen in this locality. It can easily be seen, there are many companies, but surprisingly none of them have tried their bit to encourage the game. I must appreciate Vedanta for pioneering a step towards this and organizing a two day- “Jharsuguda Hockey Cup” tournament in Jharsuguda.

 Augmenting its endeavour, Vedanta sponsored the Jharsuguda Cup Hockey Tournament 2011. The tournament was held from 12th February to 13th February 2011 here at the Ghanashyama Hemalata Vidyamandir Playground. Six renowned Hockey teams from different parts of Orissa participated in the tournament which was organized by the local Debadihi club in association with Dilip Tirkey Sports & Research Foundation, Orissa.

            Players from across the state participated and took the game to a different level. Along with Vedanta COO Mr. Abhijit Pati, Padmashree Dilip Tirky (Former Captain of the National Hockey Team) also graced the inauguration ceremony on 12th February to encourage the players. Frankly speaking, it was really a proud moment for me to watch Mr. Dilip Tirky so lively. People of Jharsuguda and the sports lovers appreciated Vedanta for its effort to uphold the national game in the locality.

            We do have budding talents in every corner of the India, especially in Orissa. But they need to be groomed to take on the world again. Yes, we have the potential to show our prominence again in the game. The future of Indian hockey is bright if we prepare ourselves to see it as bright.  I would request Vedanta to organize such Hockey tournaments in the future to support our local talents.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Industrialisation in Jharsuguda and Pollution...

It’s an eminent fact that since the advent of industrial and technological revolutions, economic indicators have been considered as the principal criteria for measuring progress. The industrial and technological progress however, carries with it the germs of negative environmental impact, abetted by both pollution and degradation. Jharsuguda is also no way out of this. We all unanimously agree that Jharsuguda is a much familiar word worldwide only due to its rapid development for industrialisation within a short instance. Since last decade, Jharsuguda has witnessed many small and large scale industries developing in it. Certainly, it would also have felt a raising level of pollution for this. The industries in Jharsuguda how much give precedence to these environmental norms is the concerned topic.

From last few days, I have been going through many local newspapers where I came to know regarding the official visit of Hon’ble House Committee on Environment to sambalpur, Jharsuguda and Sundargarh. The panel led by Debasis Samantary, comprising Arun Sahu and Nabin Narayan Nanda paid the visit to Jharsuguda on 03rd Feb. The Committee along with JSG MLA Mr. Naba Kishore Das, Rengali MLA and senior Govt. Officials visited various industries in the region. There they reviewed steps taken by the industrial units to contain pollution and protect environment as per norms
While the panel gave a “Go ahead” green signal to Vedanta and Bhusan for their effective measures taken to contain pollution, on the contrary, they took a strong note on few erring industries for violating the norms of pollution control & environment protection act.
Containing emission and pollution level within the permissible limit by the advanced equipments and techniques can easily be accessible and affordable by the large industries. Whereas for small scale industries, it can be a major cause that enhances their Cost of Production (COP). Thus instead of concerning these issues, they have been trying to increase their profit leeway. Being a huge green field project, for Vedanta, these environmental friendly techniques certainly cannot be a big reason which can affect its COP at a large. I think, above all, ‘zeal’ to do something good for the environs around the plant must be there.
“Go ahead” signal by the Hon’ble House committee on environment to Vedanta will definitely indicates the fact that Vedanta (Talking about Jharsuguda) is very much concerned about its environmental aspect. It is a good sign for the people of Jharsuguda where they can enjoy a standard life residing in it. In spite of this, I must tell you that other industries in the region should also gear up to protect the environment with containing the pollution level.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year celebration with “Dulduli” in Jharsuguda

  My Jharsuguda friends!!!
Wish you ‘n’ your family a very Happy and Blissful New Year...2011. Sparkling dawn of 2011 has brought many pleasant surprises to me; I wish so to you also...

When I sought to pen a blog in this New Year, I went through many themes but couldn’t preserve myself writing about “Dulduli Mahotsava”. It is celebrated every year to mark the Jharsuguda Foundation Day on 01st January. This year, the 15th edition of this cultural fair was begun on 01st January, Saturday where Rajyasabha member Mr. Kishore Mohanty had inaugurated the event in the presence of District Collector Mr. S N Mishra. The venue of the event, Manmohan ME School ground was jam packed by the audience throughout the Mahotsav. Pallishree Mela, a book fair and the show case of the household products by the various SHG groups across the state were amongst the added attractions. But seeing the village women in “Subhalaxmi Mahila Samabaya Ltd” stall with their selling products such as phenyl, aquarium and other household things, I was much impressed. For your information, Subhalaxmi Cooperative Ltd is a women empowerment project promoted by “Vedanta Integrated Jana Jivika Yojana”. Under this project, they carry out all their financial and operational transactions autonomously forming independent Self Help Groups. It indeed helps them not only to be independent but also enhances their value in the society.
About 35 troupes from Orissa and other states put up an impressive show with Sankhvadya, Ranpa, Chaau, Odissi and Kuchipudi performances. Folk dances including Ghumura, Suttli and Ghoda Naach left the audience mesmerised. The biggest eye catching performance was the Dasavatar act by “Prince Dance Group” Berhampur, Orissa in the concluding day of the festival. The group witnessed a thunderous applause from the crowd of Jharsuguda. The Wednesday evening also witnessed poetry recital and felicitation of 57 poets. Former Revenue Divisional Commissioner Mr. R K Panda and former vice-chancellor of Berhampur University Mr. AP Padhi attended the closing ceremony of the function. A souvenir was also released during the fĂȘte. The event was held under the aegis of the district administration and the Orissa Rural Development & Marketing Society along with the cooperation of many industries in the region.

Certainly, it is so simple to carve but a tough task to let others realize the overwhelming experience of an event. I wish, New Year elation with the festive celebration must have helped the denizens of Jharsuguda in erasing the gloom of the last year....